





Zheng Panqiao's influence on the development of drama is not limited to his artistic creations, but also extends to his social status and political career. As a high-ranking official in the Qing dynasty, Zheng Panqiao had the opportunity to travel extensively throughout China, which allowed him to gather a wealth of knowledge about different regional folk art forms and theatrical traditions.


The fusion of traditional culture with modern elements is a key characteristic of Yueju opera, which was largely influenced by the cultural diversity that Zheng Panqiao experienced during his travels across China. His exposure to various regional dialects, musical styles, and storytelling techniques helped shape the unique sound and style of Yueju opera.


In addition to shaping the development of Yueju opera directly through his own artistic contributions and cultural exchanges, Zheng Panqiao's legacy has also inspired countless artists who have followed in his footsteps over the centuries. His dedication to preserving traditional Chinese culture while embracing innovation has become an enduring model for many artists seeking to create works that are both rooted in their heritage and forward-thinking in their approach.


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