
2021年是中国越剧表演艺术家徐玉兰女士诞辰100周年,在她阳历诞辰日12月27日的前一天,“富春越梦、百年玉兰”纪念越剧宗师徐玉兰百年诞辰全球网络追思活动在杭州举行,全球越剧爱好者相聚网络,追忆如斯,共同开启越剧徐派艺术的下一个百年传承。活动得到热烈响应全球连线直播 徐玉兰女士是中国越剧的一面旗帜,艺术足迹始于富阳新登,名扬海内外。徐玉兰女士的流派唱腔、人格魅力和舞台形象,已经成为越剧艺术具有代表性的标志。在她的百年诞辰之际,杭州“越剧之家”微信公众平台特别策划此次网络纪念活动,该活动得到上海文化发展基金会徐玉兰文化艺术专项基金、富阳区文广旅体局等单位的支持,以及她家属和全球徐派、戏迷的热烈响应。

12月26日下午,在“越剧之家”影像 足球馆 的演播厅内,以名家访谈、演唱、网络云端连线等形式开展活动。这次追思分为“百年 玉 兰、艺术人生”, “ 徐 派唱腔、高山流水”, “ 桃 李芬芳、一曲红楼”, 和 “ 富 春 越 梦、高洁情怀”。浙江之声知名主播王斌担任主持,并且全程直播。众人或在主会场,或视频连线共同追忆 Xu Yulan.

Xu Yulan 的儿子Ayu Xiusheng 通过视频连线发表感言,并代表上海文化发展基金会 Xu Yulan 文化艺术专项基金致辞。他说:“母亲的一生都奉献给了戏曲事业,她创立了戏曲 xu Pai 艺术并将其传扬到世界各地。”他说,由此成立的上海文化发展基金会 Xu Yulan 文化艺术专项基金专注于 xu Pai 艺术文化交流发现培养人才创作更多优秀作品沿着母亲弘艺之路再续 xue Pai 艺术之光。

Xu Yulan 的儿子Ayu Xiusheng及其夫人 Ding Ruiying与主会场视频连线。

Yuan Jiaoping, a famous historian of Yue opera and a first-class director, recalled the artistic life of Xu Yulan. He said that Ms. Xu loved Yue opera and was indifferent to fame and wealth. Such noble character is worth learning from, such spiritual strength we must absorb.

From the theater community in Fuyang, Chen Shoujun, Zhang Aijuan, Xia Fusheng etc., they recollected the care for Yue opera in Fuyang by Ms. Xu and her concern for the development of Yue opera.

From the media community in Fuyang, Yu Guoping has had many times to shoot Ms. XU's images and photos which are still well-preserved today; he says he will look at them when he is free.

Recently, Yu Guoping directed a TV short film "Yulanspring" which gained attention from the Yue Opera circle.

The relevant person in charge of culture publicity tourism bureau introduced that recently,Fuyang has been committed to inheriting developing xu Pai arts inheriting Mr.Xu's spirit quality successively holding national xu pai play enthusiasts invitation competition,xue pai arts inheritance development forum Shanghai yuan Theatre (red building troupe) & Hangzhou Fuyang yuan Theatre Arts School strategic cooperation signing agreement Meanwhile for commemorating yue Opera master xu yalan 100th anniversary,Fuyang district government & Shanghai cultural development foundation xulaan Cultural Art Special Fund cooperate launching symphony "Dream of Red Chamber",xue pai folk elite invited contest,yue Opera classic characters network modeling competition etc commemorative activities which have been welcomed by vast number of yue Opera lovers.

People who inherited xu Pai like Xiu Ying ,Yan Zhou,Yi Qian,Zheng Guofeng,Zhang XiaoJun,Wen YinNan,Zhang Yuanlan,Wang style inheritors like Zhou Yunjuan attended either at main venue or online video link recalling XU Lan,felt deeply about it,and performed classical selections from xu Pai .

The live broadcast lasted for more than two hours before closing with Zhang Aijuan leading an ensemble performance called "Jasmine Ode".

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