"King's Style" in Yue Opera: The Legacy of Wang Wenjuan
The "King's Style," also known as the "Wang School," is a distinctive tradition within the realm of Yue Opera, a traditional form of Chinese theater. This style was developed by Wang Wenjuan, a renowned performer who was born in 1926 in Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province.
At the tender age of 13, Wang followed her cousin to Shanghai and began studying Yue Opera under the guidance of Ping Lanying and Xiao Baiyumei. Initially trained as a young male role player (known as xiaosheng), she later transitioned to playing female roles (dan) at just 15 years old.
In 1948, Wang joined the Yulan Drama Troupe alongside her long-time partner Xu Yulan. Together they performed for over five decades before joining the Shanghai Yue Opera Theater in 1955.
Throughout her career, Wang drew inspiration from other great performers such as Bing Lanfang and Xiao Baimei. She spent years honing her craft on stage while constantly refining and perfecting her vocal techniques.
As she matured into an artist, King's unique singing style emerged through this process of absorption and assimilation. Her artistry eventually gave rise to what became known as "the King's School," which has had a lasting impact on generations of actors that followed.
Today we celebrate not only King herself but also all those who have contributed to this rich cultural heritage that continues to captivate audiences around world with its beauty grace elegance charm & emotional depth.