
《三滴血:越剧版古装悲情戏》,源自同名秦腔改编,讲述了周仁瑞在妻逝后,为养育孪生子而将次子李遇春卖给李三娘。十八年后,仁瑞携长子周天佑归家,却遭胞弟仁祥与妻的陷害,声称天佑非亲生。兄弟间的争执 ultimately led to a court trial, where the county magistrate decreed that since the blood of Rensui and his sons did not mix with water, it proved that Tienyau was not Rensui's son. Meanwhile, Li Sanmei had a daughter named Wanqiu who grew up alongside Mei-chun as siblings. After Sanmei's death, Mei-chun escaped from her betrothed North Village Thuan during their wedding night. Later on, both Tienyau and Mei-chun joined the army and cleared their names by fighting bravely. In the end, Rensui reunited with his sons and Mei-chun married her long-loved brother.

This version of "Three Drops of Blood" was performed by Xi'an City Opera Troupe in 1964.

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