金采风的事业始于三十年前,当时她是一位没有正式培训背景的新人,但凭借着对越剧的热爱和刻苦努力,最终成为了一位杰出的越剧女伶。她曾参加华东地方戏曲研究班学习,并随团参加了华东戏曲研究院实验越剧团,在那里she received guidance from senior artists and honed her skills.
Gold Medal Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the 1952 National Drama Festival, and First Prize for Best Actress at the 1954 Eastern China Drama Festival. Her performances in color film adaptations of "The Red Chamber" and "The Jade Hairpin" also garnered critical acclaim both domestically and internationally.
Gold Medal Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the 1952 National Drama Festival, and First Prize for Best Actress at the 1954 Eastern China Drama Festival. Her performances in color film adaptations of "The Red Chamber"