



此外,徐玉兰还非常重视教育培训工作。她主张将理论知识与实践操作相结合,为后来的青年艺人提供全面的职业指导。此举不仅帮助他们快速成长,还有助于维护并推动整个 越剧界 的健康发展。通过成立专门的小班教室,以及定期举办研讨会、讲座等活动,她鼓励年轻一代勇于创新,以新的视角去重新解读和创造 越劇 的美好魅力。

最后,在社会责任方面,徐玉蘭也是一个积极参与者。她一直致力于利用 越劇 这一种地方特色戏曲形式来传承中华优秀传统文化,从而增强人们对国粹的一份认同感。在各种公共活动中,她总是尽心尽力,用实际行动去宣扬 和保护 文化遗产,不断提高公众对于 越劇 及其他非物质文化遗产价值的认识。

综上所述,当被问及自己对于 越劇 艺术发展有什么样的看法和期望时,徐玉蘭表示: herself as a role model for young artists, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and innovation. She hopes that the next generation will continue to explore new ways to preserve and promote this ancient art form, while also adapting it to the ever-changing world.

In her view, theater is not just about performance; it's about creating an immersive experience that connects audiences with their own emotions and memories. As such, she encourages young performers to delve deeper into their characters' psyches and backgrounds, allowing them to bring authenticity and depth to their performances.

Furthermore, Xu believes that technology can be a powerful tool in preserving traditional arts like Yueju Opera. By leveraging digital platforms and social media channels, she hopes that more people can discover the beauty of Yueju Opera beyond geographical boundaries.

As for her personal expectations for Yueju Opera's future development, Xu remains optimistic but cautious. On one hand, she sees tremendous potential in integrating modern elements into traditional performances without losing their essence. On the other hand, she worries about maintaining cultural integrity amidst rapid globalization.

Ultimately, Xu envisions a world where Yueju Opera continues to thrive as an integral part of Chinese cultural heritage while embracing diversity through collaboration with international artists from various disciplines. In this visionary landscape,

Xu's dedication has inspired countless fans worldwide who share her passion for preserving tradition while embracing change within contemporary society.

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