除了专业技能外,单仰 营 还特别注重对传统文化的理解。她认为,对于任何一种戏曲形式来说,了解其根源对于提高演技至关重要。“我始终相信,只有真正理解了一部戏曲背后的文化内涵,我们才能将其表达得更加真切。”她说,“这是我的一个信念,也是我一直以来所做的一种努力。”
随着时间推移,一系列成功的作品使得单仰 营 成为了越剧界的一颗璀璨星辰。她的每一次亮相,都让人惊叹不已,因为她总能以一种新的视角去解读古典戏曲,使之与现代观众产生共鸣。这也许正是为什么许多观众会把她称作“活化石”——因为即便是在当今这个快速变化的大环境中,她依然能够保持着高水平地展现出传统艺术魅力。
然而,在所有荣誉和赞誉之上,最令单仰 营 感动的是那些来自普通观众的小确幸。有一次,有一个老顾客找到了她,他告诉single she had been his childhood idol, and that her performances had brought him so much joy in his difficult times. 这样的故事,让single feel a sense of mission, a responsibility to continue to use her art to touch people's hearts.
In the end, when we asked single about what advice she would give to young actors who want to follow in her footsteps, she smiled softly and said: "The most important thing is not how many awards you win or how high your salary is. It's about how deeply you can connect with the audience through your performance. That's what makes life worth living." This wisdom came from a lifetime of dedication and passion for the art form that has given her so much joy.
As we concluded our conversation with single, it was clear that this legendary performer still had more stories to tell, more characters to bring alive on stage. And as long as there are audiences eager to hear them out loud once again – both literally and metaphorically – then the spirit of traditional Chinese theater will continue its journey into an ever-changing future.